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[Looks in: Forenames, Other Names, Surname, DOB, DOD and Notes]  (109 individuals, 38 marriages)
Piero (il Unfortunato) de’ Medici ancestors family list descendants b:1471 d:1503
UUID: b53ab573-cb16-49f6-b18e-e91b4e776fd4
Born in Florence, Piero di Lorenzo de’ Medici was the oldest son of Lorenzo de’ Medici (Lorenzo the Magnificent) and Clarice Orsini, and older brother of the future Pope Leo X.
He was educated to succeed his father as head of the Medici family and de facto ruler of the Florentine state, under notable figures such as Angelo Poliziano. However, his feeble, arrogant and undisciplined character was to prove unsuited to such a role.
Lorenzo (il Magnifico) de’ Medici b:1449 d:1492 ancestors parents, siblings and children family list descendants Otherwise known as Lorenzo the Magnificent
Lorenzo (il Magnifico) de’ Medici
Lorenzo (il Magnifico) de’ Medici
Clarice Orsini b:1453 d:1488 ancestors parents, siblings and children family list descendants oh clarry, don’t let them steal your heart away
Clarice Orsini
Clarice Orsini
Lucrezia de’ Medici b:1470 d:1550 ancestors parents, siblings and children family list descendants
Lucrezia de’ Medici
Lucrezia de’ Medici

Piero (il Unfortunato) de’ Medici b:1471 d:1503 ancestors family list descendants
Piero (il Unfortunato) de’ Medici
Piero (il Unfortunato) de’ Medici

: Alfonsina Orsini b:1472 d:1520 ancestors parents, siblings and children family list descendants
Alfonsina Orsini
Alfonsina Orsini

Maddalena de’ Medici b:1473 d:1519 ancestors parents, siblings and children family list descendants
Maddalena de’ Medici
Maddalena de’ Medici

Giovanni (Pope Leo X) de’ Medici b:1475 d:1521 ancestors parents, siblings and children family list descendants
Giovanni (Pope Leo X) de’ Medici
Giovanni (Pope Leo X) de’ Medici

Lorenzo II (Duke of Urbino) de’ Medici b:1492 d:1519 ancestors parents, siblings and children family list descendants Duke of Urbino 1516-1519
Lorenzo II (Duke of Urbino) de’ Medici
Lorenzo II (Duke of Urbino) de’ Medici
Clarissa de’ Medici b:1493 d:1528 ancestors parents, siblings and children family list descendants

Generated 2024/04/20 from data uploaded 2012/01/27