XY Family Tree
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David Muir Godfrey

My bestie passed away in September 2017 and I would just like to say thanks for his friendship over the last 50+ years. David Godfrey was a devout Christian but never pressed it on me.

David was a first class inventor with passion for helping people. He founded a company, Alert-it, to make devices to help people with physical and mental health problems. Alert-it now makes a range of devices that are used internationally.

This page is presented in a font that shows every lower-case t as a cross. This is how David wanted the t in all his products to be displayed, as a Christian cross. So we have Alert-it as the name of the company and it makes:

I'm sure he considered but resisted a lot of other humorous endings with -it.
Fuck-it, I miss you Dave Godfrey ;-)